About Signal Physiology
The three rings of our logo symbolizes our mission to improve outcomes:
1. Redefining: a new understanding of chronic diseases and cancer, to decode the escalating cycle of tissue self-injury, cell stress and the chronic disease environment.
2. Order from chaos: to correlate the disease microenvironment defined by its dynamic and complex cell signaling pathways with matched, high-potency (high bioavailability) nutritional agents.
3. Body synergy: achieve whole-body physiologic synergy allowing the body’s biology and healing mechanisms to defeat any disease, at any stage, while improving overall health, well-being and quality of life.
“Signal Physiology”
Signal Physiology develops the methodology to apply the latest scientific research to diagnose and treat all chronic disease and cancers. Our name signifies our understanding that “cell signaling pathways” are the sentinels of disease processes at their most basic origins – at the cell level in the tissue microenvironment. We seek to characterize the physiology of disease at its origins. By identifying the origins and consequences of disease signaling pathways, we have identified “systems hierarchies” of cell functions and the resultant signaling pathways, signaling cascades, redundancies, feedback loops, cell-cell contagion. We have sought to establish order in a very chaotic signaling environment. The desired result is to stop the disease before it begins, before it achieves the complexities of self-generating, self-injuring, escalating characteristics of chronic disease.
The Void
The dramatic, continuing failure of cancer drugs have devastated the landscape of cancer treatment. Cancer drugs are typically based upon the inhibition of a single agent (gene, protein, etc.) in a “signaling pathway.” Pathways to be obstructed are typically associated with a cancer “hallmark” which a characteristic common to all cancers (proliferation, survival, angiogenesis, etc.). The complexity of cell signaling in chronic disease provides clear evidence as to why cancer drugs fail. Why all cancers inevitably achieve resistance to these drugs and become more aggressive, more deadly, incurable.
Why do all plants cure cancer?
Every known species of plant contains the capacity to cure human cancers. Does this sound far-fetched, even ridiculous? Think again. The body has only one resource with which to combat and defeat disease. That resource is nutrition. Non-vegetable-sourced nutrition also provides these resources. However, plant-based nutrition does so much more effectively and does so without harm. Disease never becomes resistant to nutritional therapies. No one has ever died of nutrition (including nutritional supplements!).
All plants contain a complex network of defense against disease and invasion. Regardless the source, fungi, insects, bacteria, animals, each and every plant contains this elaborate defense armament. Different plants through evolution have developed more specific varieties defenses specific to common threats.
Are plants and their defense against disease different from humans? Plants and humans have evolved within the same environment. The evolution of human disease and defense from disease has evolved in kind. Humans have adapted and are defined by the quality of their nutrition. As plant life has adapted, so to has the development and survival of the human. This conclusion is not theory. The science of genetics, in particular, the mapping of cell signaling pathways, has provided unassailable validation.
Cancer redefined
To fully understand why plant defense can cure human cancer, we must first accept that cancer has been redefined. Cancer is not an “invader,” that must be eradicated (killed, cut-out, radiated). Cancer is not a disease of an altered genetic signature (genotype, DNA). It is not a foreign entity, a foreign organism that the body is attempting to eradicate, as in immune response.
Cancers have been identified by their location in the body or by their symptoms, the consequences of the disease. The named cancers and their symptoms are only unique to the tissue type, the characteristics and the functions of the tissue or organ affected. Conveniently, medicine as an institution has evolved to be compartmentalized according to body parts, i.e. medical specialties. Each medical specialty owns its own cancer. Cancer is not specific to any organ or region of the body. At its most basic level, in the cellular microenvironment, all cancers are exactly the same.
“Connecting the dots”
By researching throughout the entire health and disease spectrum, all medical disease specialties and a wide variety of biological sciences, we have attained a unique macro-perspective of a specific category of disease – the cellular disease microenvironment. Are all cancers the same? All all chronic diseases the same? At the cell level all cancers share common characteristics. We identify these characteristics, prioritize them. We determine how these basic functional characteristics develop, are sustained and exactly what resources are repair and heal.
What makes chronic disease, “chronic?”
Chronic diseases and all cancers are diseases of an cellular microenvironment of “self-injury.” It is a disease of perpetual self-injury, escalating, modifying, continually signaling injury and responding with healing. Cancer is an escalating cycle of cellular stress impacting the cellular microenvironment, which, in turn, creates cellular stress. At their origins and existence, all cancers and chronic diseases are the same disease. They are a progressive disease, typically taking years to develop. They are chronic inflammatory diseases (perpetual survival and self-injury).
Diverse medical experience
We have decades of experience in the medical sciences, academic research, development of devices and methodologies, clinical delivery and medical practice. We have diverse expertise in medical imaging, information technologies and comprehensive medical research. Specific research categories include cell function in the disease microenvironment and associated signaling pathways leading to the conventional “hallmarks” of chronic diseases and cancers. We have also researched extensively categories which include medical diagnostics, devices, pharmaceuticals, nutritional agents and formulations, clinical practice and guidelines, EMR systems, and other technologies related to the diagnosis, treatment and management of disease. We have worked with and within academic medical institutions and commercial providers. We also have many years of clinical practice treating a wide spectrum of patients and diseases. We provide medical providers the tools and guidance to improve delivery, improve outcomes and reduce cost. We collaborate with an extensive base of medical professionals who provide important insight and validation for our research, protocols and applications.
Improving outcomes while reducing the cost of care
We have worked within the medical industry participating in efforts to improve technologies, processes and outcomes. Signal Physiology has developed unique, innovative protocols to assist medical providers in the management of prostate cancer patients. This program has resulted in the dramatic reduction of overtreatment of cancer and limiting risk for patients.
We have developed protocols tailored to patient medical history, current health, their disease stage, disease aggressiveness and volume. We establish a hierarchy of signaling pathways and match agents and delivery to eliminate disease at its origins. Outcomes are dramatically improved and are achieved at a fraction of the cost with no side effects.